Monday, November 26, 2007

Does an Ad sway your vote?

John Edwards is currently playing this ad in Iowa where soon they will hold the first caucus. Do you believe that be can or will deliver on such a bold promise?


chloe said...

Nope. Please, that's like asking someone to take a pay cut with no benefit. Maybe if he could threaten to take away their jobs? But how does he plan on taking away their health care? Seriously, Congress can take care of themselves. What about not spending so much money on health care for non-tax payers? How about that as part of the solution?

Salt H2O said...

At least there is a SPECIFIC promise in this ad. It actually says something verus Rodham's ambigous heathcare ad.

An ad would be much more effective if it talked about what a candidate has actually accomplished with their position and power- what they have already done for healthcare versus what they promise to accomplish.

To me, they're all taking a line out of Pedro's book: "Vote for me and all of your wildest dreams will come true"